SQL Server Partition Recreate Procedure Blocked by Other Queries? Here’s the Fix!
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SQL Server Partition Recreate Procedure Blocked by Other Queries? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you stuck with a SQL Server partition recreate procedure that’s being blocked by other queries? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this issue and provide you with step-by-step instructions to resolve it. By the end of this article, you’ll be a pro at handling partition recreate procedures like a boss!

Why is my partition recreate procedure blocked?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why your partition recreate procedure might be blocked by other queries in the first place. Here are some common reasons:

  • Lock contention**: When multiple queries try to access the same resources (tables, partitions, or indexes) simultaneously, it can lead to lock contention. This can cause your partition recreate procedure to wait indefinitely, blocking other queries in the process.
  • Resource constraints**: SQL Server has limited resources, such as memory, CPU, and I/O. If your partition recreate procedure is resource-intensive, it might be blocked by other queries that are already consuming these resources.
  • Blocking system processes**: System processes like checkpoints, backups, or database maintenance tasks can also block your partition recreate procedure.

Identifying the blocking query

Before we create a solution, we need to identify the query that’s blocking our partition recreate procedure. Here’s how:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to your instance.
  2. Run the following query to identify the blocking session:
            t.Text AS sql_text
            sys.dm_exec_requests r
          CROSS APPLY 
            sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) t
            r.command IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE')
          AND r.wait_type IN ('PAGEIOLATCH_EX', 'PAGEIOLATCH_SH', 'LCK_M_X')
  3. Take note of the session_id and request_id of the blocking query.
  4. Run the following query to get the query plan and execution stats of the blocking query:
          SELECT * 
          FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats 
          WHERE plan_handle IN (
            SELECT plan_handle 
            FROM sys.dm_exec_requests 
            WHERE session_id = <blocking_session_id> 
            AND request_id = <blocking_request_id>

Solving the blocking issue

Now that we’ve identified the blocking query, let’s solve the issue. Here are some strategies to help you overcome the blocking query:

1. Kill the blocking session

Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best. If the blocking query is not critical, you can kill the session using the following command:

KILL <blocking_session_id>

Be cautious when killing a session, as it might lead to data inconsistencies or errors.

2. Analyze and optimize the blocking query

If the blocking query is critical, analyze its execution plan and optimize it for better performance. Here are some tips:

  • Check for index fragmentation and rebuild or reorganize indexes as needed.
  • Optimize the query plan using hints or query rewrites.
  • Consider rewriting the query to use set-based operations instead of row-by-row processing.

3. Implement resource-intensive query scheduling

Schedule your resource-intensive queries during maintenance windows or off-peak hours to avoid conflicts with other queries. You can use SQL Server Agent jobs or third-party scheduling tools to achieve this.

4. Utilize parallel processing

If possible, refactor your partition recreate procedure to utilize parallel processing. This can help reduce the overall execution time and minimize the impact on other queries.

5. Implement query prioritization

Use the Resource Governor feature in SQL Server to prioritize your partition recreate procedure over other queries. This ensures that your critical procedure gets the necessary resources to execute efficiently.

Recreating the partition

Now that we’ve solved the blocking issue, let’s recreate the partition:


Remember to replace “ps” with your partition scheme name and “pf” with your partition function name.


And that’s it! By following this guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the blocking issue, and successfully recreate your partition. Remember to monitor your system for any performance bottlenecks and optimize your queries regularly to ensure a smooth operation.

Best Practices Why
Regularly monitor system performance To identify and resolve performance bottlenecks before they cause issues
Optimize queries for better performance To reduce resource consumption and minimize conflicts with other queries
Schedule resource-intensive queries during maintenance windows To avoid conflicts with other queries and minimize the impact on system performance
Implement query prioritization using Resource Governor To ensure critical queries get the necessary resources to execute efficiently

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating a high-performing and scalable SQL Server environment. Happy querying!

Here are five questions and answers about “SQL Server partition recreate procedure blocked by other queries”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about SQL Server partition recreate procedure blocked by other queries!

What happens when a SQL Server partition recreate procedure is blocked by other queries?

When a SQL Server partition recreate procedure is blocked by other queries, it means that the procedure is waiting for those queries to complete before it can continue executing. This can lead to performance issues and delays in data processing.

Why do other queries block the SQL Server partition recreate procedure?

Other queries can block the SQL Server partition recreate procedure due to various reasons such as resource contention, locks, or dependencies on the same tables or partitions. This can be resolved by optimizing the queries, re ordering the operations, or using isolation levels.

How can I identify the queries that are blocking the SQL Server partition recreate procedure?

You can identify the blocking queries by using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or querying the system views such as sys.dm_exec_requests, sys.dm_exec_query_stats, or sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks. These views provide information about the currently executing queries, their wait types, and blocked sessions.

What are some best practices to avoid blocking issues with SQL Server partition recreate procedure?

Some best practices to avoid blocking issues include: separating schema modifications from data modifications, using low-priority locks, implementing connection pooling, and regularly monitoring and optimizing query performance. Additionally, consider using partition schemes that minimize contention and optimize data distribution.

Can I cancel a blocking query that’s holding up the SQL Server partition recreate procedure?

Yes, you can cancel a blocking query by identifying the session ID of the blocking query and running the KILL command to terminate the session. However, exercise caution when canceling queries, as it may lead to data inconsistencies or errors. It’s essential to understand the implications of canceling queries before taking action.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further requests.

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